Sunday, January 13, 2013

Ski Lessons

After Porter's incessant requests for ski lessons, he got his wish. Last week was his first lesson provided by the National Ability Center, a world renowned program that allows for people of different abilities to participate in recreational activities. We are very fortunate to have access to this service so close to home.
On our way up last week, Porter assured me that he was going to be awesome because he is "one-of-a-kind." He definitely has had quite a one-of-a-kind determination and persistence since birth. Not being able to something the "typical" way has never been a deterrent. Porter just finds another way, a different way, an alternative.
After arriving at the ski resort, checking in, and picking up equipment we finally met the instructor. Both of us were surprised to see that Porter's instructor has a physical disability and skis using adaptive equipment. Truthfully, I was surprised, Porter thought it was cool.
There were many different physical and intellectual disabilities among the ski and snowboard students. It was such great reinforcement for Porter, who seems to notice all that people are able to do, and not just in spite of their limitations. I think it's great that Porter can see in others what he sees in himself, ability.
He's such a great kid. I'm lucky to have such an inspiration as a part of my life. I am grateful to watch him tackle his latest conquest. Cheers to lesson number 2!

Thursday, January 10, 2013


I'm not referring to what extreme nearsightedness has done to my eyesight. I'm also not talking about the snowy blizzard that has decreased visibility and increased driving time.I'm commenting on the line dividing 2012 from 2013, a line that appears blurry. The demarcation of time between "then" and "now" has come and gone and little has changed. It's difficult to explain, probably because I don't quite understand it myself.
I don't believe the blur comes from a lack of resolutions. It's not that I'm not big on resolutions, I just set them throughout the year. Though the first of a new year is a great time to start being a number of things (healthier, more responsible, etc...) so is every other day of the year. The new year can be a catalyst or an excuse to wait "until then." People do it all the time, procrastinate action "until then." Maybe it's the revolving door of resolutions that has blurred the years together.
Last year I resolved to celebrate my birthday year, and have figured out a way to make that year equal 15 months. A celebration of my birthday year would include the whole year in which I turned 40 as well as the year counted from my that birthday to the next. Since my birthday is the last day in March, that gave me all of 2012, plus the first three months of this year. It's been a wonderful celebration of life so far, my best year yet!
Since my 5 year breast cancer survivorship coincided with my turning 40, I also resolved to celebrate just being alive. My gratefulness led me to take my running to a different kind of level and run a race for each of my 40 years, from one birthday to the next. I'm 75% of the way finished. I completed two 5k races on New Years Day, bringing my current total to 30. I'm registered for 7 races, have another couple picked out, and am looking for one more. Check out my tentative schedule and feel free to join me.
I also had one other resolution, more of a wish, a birthday wish. What do you get a girl who has more than enough wants and is fortunate enough to need for very little? Tickets to the Ellen show! That's right! It took  work, faith and patience, but all totally worth it. I can't wait to share my upcoming experience with you!
I'm not complaining about the blur. It's not the where-did-the-time-go blur. It's an everyday-is-a-celebration kind of blur. Each day really is special, enjoy it, and the next and the next and the next.