Saturday, January 21, 2012

"R" Words

Last week, I heard an "R" word that I really don't like. Hearing it causes a slight pause, internal cringing, and a little sadness. I went to urgent care for a sinus  infection, and though it is the facility we often visit, the particular provider that day was one that none of us had ever seen before. It's just so much easier to deal with someone who is somewhat familiar with our health situations. I don't particularly enjoy giving the rundown of the past 4+ years, answering additional questions, and then receiving reactions that range from pity to incredulity.

After the initial glance through my chart, assessment of current reasons for being there, and some clarifications she asked the question, "So you're in REMISSION?" Ugh, I hate that word, and for the record I don't hear it often, not even from my oncologist. I don't want to answer that specific question and my answer, when I've had to give it, has been more of an awkward and uncomfortable, "ah huh" with head nodding. But the answer that is in my heart trying to leap through my throat is, "No, I'm CURED!" Cured is a freeing, light, and energizing word that propels me into an active life full of the future and a birthday at 93. Remission is word that is like quicksand, sucking down my body and burying my dreams.

Thank goodness I see this sign around town on billboards and buses almost daily:

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