Tuesday, October 25, 2011

June 3, 2009 Let's Play Doctor

Between the 4 of us, we’ve probably had 15 or so medical appointments from the first of the year until now. That number doesn’t include any speech therapy sessions for Porter or Early Intervention classes or therapies for Parker. Really, 15 is a pretty good number considering that two years ago it was more than twice that number in only four months.  And luckily, both boys are model patients, most of the time. They know when to open, turn, lift their shirts, etc… It’s routine for them.
We are so grateful that we have medical insurance, because even with it, the bills add up. I’ve also realized that because we have insurance, we get better care. Better might not be the right word, maybe more consistent care or easier access to specialists because insurance has made it more affordable.  We are fortunate to live in an area with such great medical facilities and doctors. Our doctors are wonderful and I appreciate all they have done for us.
I often joke that one of our family’s extracurricular activities is doctor appointments. There are 13 doctors listed in my contacts on my phone. In fact, I had an appointment just this morning and found out that I have Benign Episodic Unilateral Mydriasis. That basically means that I have unevenly dilated pupils (the right is larger than the left) and it will come and go, but it’s not hurting anything. My 3 month follow-up with my oncologist was almost 2 weeks ago. Everything checked out fine and now, over 2 years after my diagnosis, my follow-ups will be stretched out to 4 months, then 6, then a year….
Parker is overdue for his 3 year well child check. I finally made the appointment yesterday, but couldn’t get him in until the end of this month. Parker’s last doctor appointment was with his ENT for an ear infection, something he is prone to. Before that it he was hospitalized for 3 days in March for dehydration due to a stomach bug. His medical to do list includes an appointment with his cardiologist for his annual echo which will be sometime this summer.

Porter’s last appointment was with an orthodontist, who thankfully said that he’ll see us next year. But in the meantime, he has recommended that Porter get 2 baby teeth pulled. Another summer activity for us. Other than speech therapy, Porter hasn’t had too many doctor appointments this year. He’s been relatively healthy, at least physically. There’s been an issue with some OCD behaviors and anxiety which we think has a biological basis. We’re working with a naturopathic pediatrician to try and come up with some answers.

Clint’s last medical appointment was with a dermatologist, and the one previous to that was with the dentist. He’s the least medically involved member of our family.

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