We started family themed costumes when Porter was 2. Here we are, Porter the Patriots football player (he has since defected to the Bengals), Clint the crazed fan (which he truly is) and me the cheerleader (which I never was). The next year we went with Willy Wonka (Clint), Violet Beauregard (me), and our little Oompa Loompa Porter.
The next year Porter was six and had some ideas of his own, though he did before as well. I was just able to sway him to what I wanted. He was into Power Rangers that year, and his favorite color was and still is red. So I incorporated the family theme around him. Parker, a mere 5 months old, became a hotdog. Clint was a chef, I was mustard, and Porter doubled as a red Power Ranger AND ketchup.

The year after that we were going to do a Popeye theme with Clint as Bluto, me as Olive Oyl and Parker as Sweet Pea. That was a crazy month and only Porter’s costume was ready for Halloween. And, just to emphasize how crazy the month was that year, we don’t even have a picture of Porter in his awesome costume.
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